Services offered and using of the same

A copy of the timetables are available at the ticket offices, onboard commands, and the offices of the companies. Timetable cards are distributed at the ticket offices. Panels with fare and timetable information are present at the docks of all terminals. Telephone information regarding the lines and service schedules can be requested from the Information Office:

Toll-free number: 800 195 344
Every day

from 08:00 to 19:00
or in person at the ground ticket offices during public opening hours.

Si avvisa la gentile utenza che in considerazione del perdurare delle avverse condizioni meteo marine, oggi sabato 21, domani domenica 22 e lunedì 23 dicembre 2024 tutto il traffico marittimo da e per CARLOFORTE sarà dirottato verso lo scalo di Calasetta, con stessi orari e stesso naviglio. Seguiranno eventuali aggiornamenti