Procedure for handling complaints and suggestions


Suggestions for improving services or complaints can be made by filling out the report or complaint form available to users at on-board controls (Shipmasters) and port of call ticket offices or downloadable via the internet from the “Mobility Card” page of this website.

This form must be notified to Delcomar S.r.l. – Complaints Office in one of the following ways:
  • By regular or registered mail to: Delcomar S.r.l. – Ufficio Reclami – Via La Marmora, 9 – 07024 La Maddalena (OT)
  • By e-mail at:
  • Hand-delivery at on-board controls or port of call ticket offices.
At the time of filing the complaint, the user must provide, beyond his generalities, all the details in his possession in relation to the incident, or what is believed to have been violated, in order for Delcomar to carry out a precise reconstruction of the facts.

In this regard, the staff responsible is available to the user to facilitate him in the filing of the complaint, giving him or her all the necessary guidance and helping in the compilation of the Form.

Complaints about damage to vehicles should be immediately reported to the loading officers. They will draw up the damage report “MODULO RAPPORTO DANNI VEICOLO DEL PASSEGGERO” on behalf of the Passenger, who will sign it. This report will not constitute delcomar’s acceptance of liability and/or recognition.

Complaints about damage to vehicles that do not have a copy of the damage report enclosed will not be examined by Delcomar.


Delcomar is committed to communicating to the user:

  • a full response, where possible, at the time of receipt of the complaint;

  • a written response in all those cases where it is not possible to give an immediate response within 30 days of the filing of the complaint, in which the outcome of the investigations made will be specified to the User, the actions taken to manage the complaint, the outcome of the checks carried out and the deadline by which they will be completed.


The rights arising from the contract for the transport of people and baggage become time-barred by the course of the terms provided by the art. 418 of the Navigation Code. 418 del Codice della Navigazione.

If no summons is served before the competent judge within one year of the Passenger’s landing, except for any statute of limitations more favorable to Delcomar, any action against Delcomar S.r.l., both contractual and for death or personal injury, loss of baggage or vehicle or for damages to any title will be considered as fallen.

Delcomar is not responsible for acts or events that occurred outside the ship.

In any case, without prejudice to the requirements to this article, the passenger who suffers claims to his person dependent on events that occurred at the beginning of boarding until the completion of the landing, must report them to the Board Command before final landing.


We inform our kind customers that, only after having filed a complaint with Delcomar S.r.l. – Piazza Carlo Emanuele III, 24 – 09014 Carloforte (CI) – Fax. 0781.857.123 – E-mail: and after sixty days have elapsed, it is possible to contact the Transport Regulation Authority, pursuant to the EU Regulation no. 1177/2010, through the appropriate electronic system (SiTe), available on the Authority’s website, or with a particular form to be sent by registered mail to the address of Via Nizza n. 230, 10126 Turin, or by e-mail to one of the following e-mail addresses:

For further information, visit the website